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a poem by: Totz & Matz |
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Life can sometimes be harsh and difficult
We may make decisions that are deemed to fail
Oftentimes life's hardships we can't ignore
It may fall apart and our future is torn
As humans we make mistakes
Mistakes made due to our disobedience
Negativity and hopelessness arises
Faith in God and belief in His Word is disregarded
Oftentimes we complain, when things aren't working out
We tend to blame Him for the challenges in our path
But we never even wonder why we are still alive and kicking
We don't even remember Him, when our lives are ravishing
We tend to forget to be grateful, and thankful
For when good things are happening, we feel so comfortable
We forget that Life is not all bed of roses, sometimes we feel it's thorns
To remind us to be grounded, to grow more and to mature
May we change our mindset and be PRISONERS OF HOPE
We may be in trouble right now, but There is always Hope
We can't just finish our run without obstacles in our way
Life is not a shortcut, We are in a maze and part of a challenging race!
As the Lord have promised in the book of Zecharaiah
For the troubles, we've been trough, His blessings to us will be doubled
Our life He will restore, our hope will be renewed
Let's embrace our blessings and claim for the Victory!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Time to give thanks, Time to share
Time to be grateful and gay!
Let's thank the Lord
For all He gave
The food in our table
Our Labour from His favour
Let's thank GOD
For the bounty that He gave
For the health not just wealth
Not just for material things and finances
Let's thank the Almighty
For another year of prosperity
Another year of growth
Of learning and appreciation
May we learn to thank Him for Everything
Not just on Thanksgiving Day Celebration
But all year round, may we pray
And say thanks be to God for another day~
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Human life started like a SPRING
Born to the World of the LIVING
Just like a seed that sprouted
Our lives have started
As we go on to our life's journey
Like Summer, we see life's Beauty
Like a young man just taking it easy
Like a butterfly roaming freely
In AUTUMN, we see leaves falling
Like people, we falter and we fall
As we grow older our health is failing
But our lives must go on..
In most places, WINTER marks the end of a year
Just like our lives, when our last breath is near
Like this season, our body gets cold
We won't stay Alive forever, make each day meaningful!
Four seasons we all have to go through
From the day we were born in the spring
Come Winter, our lives could be ending...
May WE ALL offer our lives to GOD
In Him we owe the gift of life
Make each day count and be grateful
Live life to the fullest and be Thankful!
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Sunday, September 29, 2013
We need to have FAITH
We need to BELIEVE
We need to CLAIM in GOD's Name
That the impossible are ACHIEVABLE!
We need to ask for favour to HIM who provides
To meet all of our needs, and to give our heart's desires
Trust in the LORD that you can attain ALL your goals
Start PRAYING earnestly, learn to WAIT patiently..
Sometimes it's hard to be optimistic in this world that we live in
Open your heart and mind my friend to seek for the answers
Let us not lose hope, for HIS grace and mercy ABOUNDS
May we be assured and continually hold
To HIS words and promises for all humankind
He loves us so dearly, not to let us fall into the pit
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Dear GOD, I Praise your NAME
You are Wonderful, my Father and Creator
My Shepherd, my Friend and Saviour!
Lord my prayer for today
Is to make me contrite and clean
Forgive me from my sins and set me free
Free from hatred and guide me thee...
Father, I cannot THANK YOU ENOUGH
For the BLESSINGS overflowing
In your presence, I feel Unconditional Loving..
Today Lord, I earnestly pray
Not just for myself, but for all Humankind
To be forgiven, to be BLESSED and be Saved
Monday, September 9, 2013

Abundance is a GIFT for people who BELIEVE
Abundance is a TREASURE for those who persistently SEEK
Abundance is a BLESSING that we ALL could EMBRACE
Abundance is a FORTUNE that ANY of US can GAIN
It is just natural for people to ask for WEALTH
Even God himself made a promise for the whole HUMAN RACE
For I know the PLANS I have for you,declares the Lord
To make us PROSPEROUS,To give us HOPE and a FUTURE
Abundance is like a SEED , that needs water and pruning..
Riches can be accumulated, material things can OVERFLOW
But we need to start planting, toiling, till it GROW...
Before we start anything, we can DREAM, and AIM HIGH
But Let`s ASK for guidance FIRST to HIM who lives UP HIGH
We should ask ourselves first, and clear our own motives
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Friday, August 30, 2013
People like us, can all be deceiving,
We may be covered with lies, deep secrets are in hiding,
Bad memories from our past, sometimes torments our souls
Darkness of our thoughts, leads us down in a narrow deep hole...
The only way to get out, is to run and be free..
Free from all hatred, free from all fears..
We must forgive ourselves...we must take off our masks..
Façade and camouflage should all be unmasked..
Everything can go wrong if we choose to do so,
Channel our energy to positivism, May We ALL DO
MAy we open up our eyes and minds to things of the Above
May We embrace more knowledge and understanding of the human race
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Life can be harsh, it can be cruel
It can be hard, it can go wrong
It can be difficult or even more
Life is not a Fantasy
It is a Reality that we should face
It is an obstacle that we need to overcome
Living our lives can be burdensome
Life is not ALL happiness
At times, in life, we feel Loneliness
It can be worrisome at times
Sometimes, life can stress our minds
Life is not all ALL green grass
Life can bring famines and droughts
Literally, mentally, and emotionally
Life can tear us apart if we allow
Life is not that easy
But it's our choice to live it wholly
To embrace the good and the bad that it brings
To gain wisdom and strength, NOT FEAR
Life can be difficult
But God is there to guide us
To lead us and protect us
To live a happy life in the midst of all trials
May we All let God in our lives
Or a Supreme Being to lead us
Through Life's dark paths, may we see the Light
Through Life's coldness, may we feel warmth...
Saturday, August 17, 2013
You can never tell how it feels to be poor
If you have been wealthy all your life..
You can never never tell how it feels to be in love
If you have never felt Hate..
You can never tell how it feels to be sick
If you have been healthy all your life..
You can never tell how it feels to be in pain
If you have never been hurt..
You can never tell how it feels to be right
If you have never been wrong
You can never tell how it feels to be honest
If you have never told a Lie
You can never say you are strong
If you have never been weak
You can never tell how to have faith
If you have never been in doubt
You can never tell the light
If you have never been in the dark
You can never be Hopeful
If you never felt despair

You can never tell real Happiness
If you never felt sadness
You can never be Fast
If you were never slow
You can never tell how it feels to be successful
If you have never experience failure
You can never tell how it feels to be forgiven
If you have never forgiven yourself and others
How can we tell the differences between each traits..
If we have never experience or felt one or the other
Giving a description is not enough
And knowing each one would not suffice..
We only need to be true to our human nature..
We need to grow, learn and be mature..
We can never make ourselves better
Unless we REFLECT, ACCEPT and KNOW who we are..
Saturday, August 10, 2013
The nature of our human spirit says:
To be who you want to be is not that easy
To change who you are is difficult
To forgive and forget is hard
The nature of our human spirit says:
To let go of your wealth is madness
To aim HIGH could be your DOWNFALL
To reach for the STAR is impossible
The nature of our human spirit says:
To survive, and live only for myself
To work hard and feed thyself
To worry for me and no one else
There is FREEDOM!
There is CHANGE !
Earthly possessions are meaningless
Live a good life and share your riches
To the needy, to the poor, to the sick..
Love your neighbour as you love yourself
Love one another and forgive each other
Since God's LOVE covers a multitude of sins
May we all acknowledge that we are weak
May we all accept out shortcomings
We are humans, we are not divine,
May we invite the Holy Spirit to dwell in our mind..
Thursday, August 1, 2013

where Love and Peace abounds,
And acceptance is so profound....
I want to go home,
where relationships grow strong,
where forgiveness is a must,
and anger is left behind....
I want to go home,
where love and grace abounds,
where there are no deceits and lies,
where there is real Love, inside and out....
I want to go home,
where understanding is seen
differences are respected
and uniqueness is accepted.....
I want to go home
where I don't have to run and hide,
where I don't need to change
and still be loved for who I am...
I want to go home
where simple living arise,
wherein life is so content,
and people's kind hearts are intent...

This is what I envisioned a Perfect Home to be... but people may ask WHERE is it gonna BE?
On EARTH that we CALL home?
or is it in Heaven our REAL abode?
Although sometimes I wanna go home,
I do believe that I am still in a mission
To be a vessel, and hopefully a blessing
and to spread HIS LOVE to ALL!!
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Friday, July 26, 2013
Live life to the fullest
Live today as if it's your last
Breathe in the air of the forests
Listen to the humming of the birds in the trees
Live life to the fullest
Live merry and live freely
Like a little child playing
Like a butterfly roaming
Live life to the max
Dream, believe and work hard
Live like there is no tomorrow
Be carefree, Be happy, Be thankful
Open your eyes and appreciate God's creation
Of blue seas, bright skies and waterfalls
The serenity and tranquility of nature
Brings peace and happiness in our souls
Soar high like an eagle
They live and fly with pride
May we all live with gladness
And just let each day pass by....
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Lord I cannot thank you enough for ALL that I have
For all the blessings and forgiveness, especially with your Love
With the adversities that I face, the obstacles in my race
You are always my guide, even in a difficult maze
Lord I cannot thank you enough for the Mercy that you have given
Such a sinner like me, was set free and forgiven
As human as I am, I may falter, I may Fall
But God your grace is endless, and your name I adore
Lord I cannot thank you enough, for the food in my table
You provided me with a job, a house and family to live for
You healed me with your stripes, when I am sick
You are my fortress and shield when I am weak
Lord I cannot thank you enough for the tests in my life
These are problems that I can endure, for my life to be restored
You gave challenges in my path, for my growth and learning
My life I offer to you, your embrace I keep yearning.
Lord I cannot thank you enough, for the love you have shown me
Your kindness is immeasurable, your mercy is endless
I thank you for the gift of Life you have lent me
Till the day you take me, Lord use me for your glory!
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Thursday, July 11, 2013
As human as I am, I feel down, I get tired.
At times, I feel NO progress in my day to day life.
Like a machine over-used, Like a farmer in the fields.
Like a computer that reads slow as the memory fills
I grow weary and I get discouraged in my day to day struggle,
The complexities of life, that my mind cannot juggle,
Here, there and everywhere, problems may arise
Challenges in my path, obstacles can get wild...
As I hold the unrest before me,
I become more and more pessimistic
As I think of the burdens and struggles,
I feel faint, I lose hope, I lose Faith.
I am tired of all lies, deceits, and melancholy
As I see the loneliness, the fake faces of people around me
When will I see the SUN, the Mountains and the Beauty
When will I see Real People, with pure Hearts, who Love Genuinely
As I reflect on the word of God this morning, I felt loved, I felt Free
The book of Isaiah 40:31, made me stronger, and encouraged thee
The verse says, I will run and not grow weary, I will walk and will not faint
I will mount up my wings as eagles, and HIS joy will be my strength
As I read more of HIS word, I felt enlightened, I felt whole
I do not feel so low any more, like I felt the day before
My mind is renewed, my Faith is restored
My life has a new meaning, I am embracing another calling....
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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A New Day has come, Old days has been gone
Our strength renewed, Our faith restored
Our thought reviewed, Our weary ways changed
A new dawn has just began, A new era has just come
A New day has come for forgiveness and love
For conflicting issues from before, are way past our path
Jesus Christ told us to Love one another
To share each other's burdens and encourage each other
A New Day has come for plans to be push through
No more somnolence at work, stop procrastination too
Do not let things undone, Do not wait too long
Let us all be proactive, Let us all be productive!
A New Day has come for new struggles in life,
But Life is like that my friend, we all need to arise
All challenges can be tackled if we go hand in hand
These are just ways for us to grow, to learn and to survive!
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Tuesday, July 2, 2013
If there is ONE person on earth that I admire the most, that would be my FATHER!
Our father whom we call TATANG (dad) in our Ilocano dialect, is one of the most respectable person I have ever met in my life..In appreciation and acknowledgement of you being the Greatest Dad in the World, I made this poem for you TATANG CESAR ATINAJA! HAPPY FATHER's DAY! I LOVE YOU!
As a child, I saw how hardworking you are,
As a child, I saw how loving you are,
Every day, I see your serious face,
Every day, I see care behind that stare...
As a child, I saw you cry
When I was sick, you were in tears
Worried that you won't be able to provide
To send your kid to a specialist with heart disease
As a child, I always understood,
We were born poor, but we were loved
We may be lacking in material things, but we were glad
To see how wonderful parents we all have
As a child, I saw your anger
When your children does things that are not proper
As our father, you taught us lessons
To be kind, To be honest, To be thankful
As a child, I saw you falter
As a child, I saw you in despair
I did understand why though
I prayed to God for us to all get through
As a grownup, nothing has changed
I still see you as the man you were
But more happy now to see your children succeed
It was all because of YOU our FATHER DEAR!!
As I end this poem, I end it with a prayer
May our GOD the FATHER bless you more
With everlasting peace, joy and health
With longer life and an intact family to hold!
Our father whom we call TATANG (dad) in our Ilocano dialect, is one of the most respectable person I have ever met in my life..In appreciation and acknowledgement of you being the Greatest Dad in the World, I made this poem for you TATANG CESAR ATINAJA! HAPPY FATHER's DAY! I LOVE YOU!
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As a child, I saw how hardworking you are,
As a child, I saw how loving you are,
Every day, I see your serious face,
Every day, I see care behind that stare...
As a child, I saw you cry
When I was sick, you were in tears
Worried that you won't be able to provide
To send your kid to a specialist with heart disease
As a child, I always understood,
We were born poor, but we were loved
We may be lacking in material things, but we were glad
To see how wonderful parents we all have
As a child, I saw your anger
When your children does things that are not proper
As our father, you taught us lessons
To be kind, To be honest, To be thankful
As a child, I saw you falter
As a child, I saw you in despair
I did understand why though
I prayed to God for us to all get through
As a grownup, nothing has changed
I still see you as the man you were
But more happy now to see your children succeed
It was all because of YOU our FATHER DEAR!!
As I end this poem, I end it with a prayer
May our GOD the FATHER bless you more
With everlasting peace, joy and health
With longer life and an intact family to hold!
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MISTAKES... everybody makes mistakes
FAULTS... ALL of US are at fault,
We tend to point fingers at each other
We tell LIES and DESTROY each other
DARKNESS, HATRED, ANGER, Nonacceptance is out of control
A society built with FEAR and DISRESPECT
A nation filled with corruption and Hate!
When will this kind of world end?
When all of us are DEAD to our Souls?
When some of us are sick to our bones?
When we feel horrible like how it feels to be a whore?
A WORLD without end like a book title says,
A world built with fear so as they say,
In the end it will be chaos that will ARISE!
Which is greater? Which is not?
No real justice is taken with FEAR!
No real respect comes out of FEAR ...
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